⚾⚾ Help the club by giving feedback to the council ⚾⚾

6 Jul 2023 by Sophie Hines


Boroondara Council are engaging with the community to gather intel for the Myrtle and Macleay Parks Master Plan.
This master plan provides a long-term vision and framework for improving parks and sports grounds. It will help guide any changes, and identify areas for improvement.
To ensure our baseball club it its needs are met, we are asking our baseball family to complete the survey by the Council. It only takes a few minutes to complete but will help our voices be heard.
The survey asks questions about what you like about the park, where improvements can be made and what suggestions you may have. If your answers could be focused on baseball, the fields, accessibility, pavilion/clubroom upgrade and parking – that would be appreciated!
Thank you, Stingers!