Bailey Wilson Earns Prestigious A-Reserve MVP Title for 2023 Season!

13 Sep 2023 by Sophie Hines

We are thrilled to announce that Bailey Wilson from the A2’s has secured the A-Reserve Most Valuable Player (MVP) award for the 2023 season in the Melbourne Winter Baseball League (MWBL).

Bailey’s dedication, skill, and commitment to his game have shone throughout the season, making him a standout player in the league. This remarkable achievement is a testament to Bailey’s talent and the hard work he has put into perfecting his game. His passion for baseball is undeniable, and it’s no surprise that he’s earned the title of MVP in the A2’s!

The entire club is incredibly proud of Bailey’s accomplishment, and we look forward to witnessing his continued success on the mound.
If you see him around the club, congratulate Bailey on this well-deserved recognition.

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